1,000+ Products
on a trusted & secure platform.
Explore the trading possibilities of over 1000 contract for difference (CFD) products on our multifunctional trading platform, covering various markets such as foreign exchange, indices, stocks, commodities, precious metals, etc.
Why Invest with Stockopia?
Zero commissions
Invest in stocks, ETFs, and options, all commission-free. No margin interest or short selling fees for intra-day trading.
Advanced charting tools
Enhanced pattern recognition tools with detailed drawings, indicators, and technical signals.
In-depth quotes
Level 2 Quotes and NBBO provide detailed insights about market participants and stock price movement.
powerful platform

We provide a customizable trading platform that allows you to manage multiple accounts and investment products directly from your computer, iPad, or phone.

Advanced investors can unlock investment opportunities using our professional options analysis tool Stockopia.

Why choose Stockopia?
Explore trading ideas
Discover investment opportunities through real-time news and professional research provided by platforms such as Morningstar, Options Geek, Briefing.com, and Zacks.
Simulated account
Practice your trading skills risk-free using virtual funds. Stockopia simulation accounts provide the same asset categories and products as real accounts.
Fast executive
Our lightning fast execution speed ensures that traders can quickly and effectively seize market opportunities.
Global OTC support
Collaborate with global OTC channels to obtain faster and safer transactions
Intelligent AI follow-up investment
By utilizing specially developed AI technology for intelligent follow-up investment, you will never miss the opportunity to generate profits at any time
What else we offer?
Paper trading
Test trading strategies with real-time quotes without risking a penny.
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Discover, interact, and share new trading ideas about the market, stocks, ETFs, and more!
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Get educated on the fundamentals, technical analysis,and advanced strategies before you start trading.
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Practice Trading Without The Risk
Simulated trading can help all levels of traders to practice their trading skills and strategies. You can access Stockopia’s trading simulator on desktop, web and mobile devices, so you can try out a new idea as soon as it comes to mind. Open an account today to get started.
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